Issue 11, 2014

An ultrafast water transport forward osmosis membrane: porous graphene


As an emerging technology, forward osmosis (FO) has shown great promise in energy production from the mixing of fresh water and seawater in estuaries. However, the power density levels of the present commercial FO membranes hinder their practical applications in power generation due to the requirement for extremely large areas of membrane. Here, we use functionalized porous-single-layer graphene as a FO membrane and study the transport performances of the membrane using molecular dynamics simulation. For the FO system using fluorinated porous graphene (pore-diameter 11.7 Å, porosity 10%), with an excellent performance for salt rejection, the water flux is 28.1 L cm−2 h which is about 1.8 × 104 times higher than that of a typical cellulose triacetate membrane. Such high water flux will certainly bring about a very high power density in pressure retarded osmosis power generation. This work may generate potential opportunities for functionalized graphene in FO power generation, seawater desalination and so forth.

Graphical abstract: An ultrafast water transport forward osmosis membrane: porous graphene

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Article information

Article type
21 Oct 2013
09 Dec 2013
First published
09 Dec 2013

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 4023-4028

An ultrafast water transport forward osmosis membrane: porous graphene

J. Gai, X. Gong, W. Wang, X. Zhang and W. Kang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 4023 DOI: 10.1039/C3TA14256F

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