Issue 4, 2015

Facile synthesis of a pyrrole-fused dibenzo[a,e]pentalene and its application as a new extended, ladder-type fused aromatic system


A novel ladder-type pyrrole-fused dibenzo[a,e]pentalene, in which two benzo[a,e]pentalene units are held coplanar by a nitrogen bridge, is synthesized via double intermolecular Pd-catalyzed cascade crossover annulations. The introduction of a nitrogen bridge not only has a substantial influence on the optoelectronic properties but also improves the processability and stability.

Graphical abstract: Facile synthesis of a pyrrole-fused dibenzo[a,e]pentalene and its application as a new extended, ladder-type fused aromatic system

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
30 Sep 2014
11 Nov 2014
First published
12 Nov 2014

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 693-696

Author version available

Facile synthesis of a pyrrole-fused dibenzo[a,e]pentalene and its application as a new extended, ladder-type fused aromatic system

C. Li, C. Liu, Y. Li, X. Zhu and Z. Wang, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 693 DOI: 10.1039/C4CC07721K

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