Issue 43, 2014

Variation of electronic transitions and reduction potentials of cerium(iv) complexes


The trivalent compound K[Ce[N(SiHMe2)2]4] was synthesized and oxidized, providing a convenient route to the reported cerium(IV) compound Ce[N(SiHMe2)2]4. Protonolysis reactions of Ce[N(SiHMe2)2]4 with tert-butanol, substituted benzyl alcohols, and 2,6-diphenylphenol yielded the neutral tetravalent compounds Ce(OtBu)4(py)2, Ce2(OCH2C6R5)8(thf)2 (R = Me, F), and Ce(Odpp)4 (dpp = 2,6-(C6H5)2-C6H3). Spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of the monometallic cerium(IV) silylamide, alkoxide, and aryloxide compounds revealed variable ligand-to-metal charge transfer transitions and metal-based reduction potentials. Computational bonding analyses were performed to complement the physical characterization of the complexes.

Graphical abstract: Variation of electronic transitions and reduction potentials of cerium(iv) complexes

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Article information

Article type
09 May 2014
28 Jul 2014
First published
29 Jul 2014

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 16197-16206

Author version available

Variation of electronic transitions and reduction potentials of cerium(IV) complexes

U. J. Williams, D. Schneider, W. L. Dorfner, C. Maichle-Mössmer, P. J. Carroll, R. Anwander and E. J. Schelter, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 16197 DOI: 10.1039/C4DT01386G

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