Issue 38, 2014

Theoretical investigation of the adsorption, IR, and electron injection of hydroxamate anchor at the TiO2 anatase (1 0 1) surface


The adsorption of hydroxamate onto a TiO2 anatase surface has been theoretically determined. We find that the doubly deprotonated configuration is the optimal adsorption mode in terms of energetic and dynamical stability, which is demonstrated by vibrational spectrum analysis. This configuration can also undergo the ultrafast electron transfer event, with a time-scale of 53 fs.

Graphical abstract: Theoretical investigation of the adsorption, IR, and electron injection of hydroxamate anchor at the TiO2 anatase (1 0 1) surface

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Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2014
07 Apr 2014
First published
10 Apr 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 19690-19693

Author version available

Theoretical investigation of the adsorption, IR, and electron injection of hydroxamate anchor at the TiO2 anatase (1 0 1) surface

W. Li, L. G. C. Rego, F. Bai, C. Kong and H. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 19690 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA01116C

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