Issue 53, 2014

Integrated lignin-mediated adsorption-release process and electrochemical reduction for the removal of trace Cr(vi)


Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is extremely toxic and is classified as a human carcinogen, even at trace concentrations. Hence, it is critical to develop reliable and efficacious methods for its elimination. Here we report on the development of an effective lignin-mediated adsorption-release process based upon the pH-dependent solubility of lignin to significantly enhance the electrochemical removal of trace Cr(VI). The adsorption and pre-concentration of Cr(VI) was carried out at pH 2.0, while the release and electrochemical reduction was performed at pH 11.0. The 100% efficient release process was due to the complete dissolution of lignin within alkaline solution. The released Cr(VI) ions were electrochemically reduced, forming insoluble Cr(OH)3, which could be easily separated. This novel approach overcomes the drawback of non-degradability in adsorption by the latter electrochemical reduction phase and the efficiency limitation of electrochemical process by the prior preconcentration step. The new integrated lignin-mediated adsorption-release and electrochemical reduction process proposed in this study comprises a promising strategy for the removal of trace concentrations of Cr(VI).

Graphical abstract: Integrated lignin-mediated adsorption-release process and electrochemical reduction for the removal of trace Cr(vi)

Article information

Article type
11 Feb 2014
11 Jun 2014
First published
11 Jun 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 27843-27849

Author version available

Integrated lignin-mediated adsorption-release process and electrochemical reduction for the removal of trace Cr(VI)

W. Jin, Z. Zhang, G. Wu, R. Tolba and A. Chen, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 27843 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA01222D

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