Issue 59, 2015

Bi- and trimetallic rare-earth–palladium complexes ligated by phosphinoamides


The synthesis of the heterometallic early–late 4d/4f bi- and trinuclear phosphinoamido Ln–Pd(0) complexes [(Ph2PNHPh)Pd{μ-(Ph2PNPh)}3Ln(μ-Cl)Li(THF)3] (Ln = Y, Lu) and [Li(THF)4][{(Ph2PNHPh)Pd}2{μ-(Ph2PNPh)}4Ln] (Ln = Y, Lu) is described. The latter compounds are the first early–late trimetallic phosphinoamido complexes. Although the metal atoms are forced into close proximity by the phosphinoamido ligands, quantum chemical calculations show only weak metal-to-metal interactions.

Graphical abstract: Bi- and trimetallic rare-earth–palladium complexes ligated by phosphinoamides

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Article information

Article type
12 May 2015
05 Jun 2015
First published
25 Jun 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 11761-11764

Bi- and trimetallic rare-earth–palladium complexes ligated by phosphinoamides

F. Völcker, F. M. Mück, K. D. Vogiatzis, K. Fink and P. W. Roesky, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 11761 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC03944D

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