Issue 11, 2016

Cyclic single-molecule magnets: from the odd-numbered heptanuclear to a dimer of heptanuclear dysprosium clusters


A heptanuclear and a dimer of heptanuclear dysprosium clusters (Dy7 and Dy14) have been successfully synthesized by ingenious coalescence of the single and double pyrazinyl hydrazone as well as phosphonate ligands. The complexes feature the largest odd-numbered cyclic lanthanide clusters reported thus far. Both exhibit single molecule magnet behaviors at low temperature.

Graphical abstract: Cyclic single-molecule magnets: from the odd-numbered heptanuclear to a dimer of heptanuclear dysprosium clusters

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Article information

Article type
21 Oct 2015
11 Dec 2015
First published
11 Dec 2015

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 2314-2317

Cyclic single-molecule magnets: from the odd-numbered heptanuclear to a dimer of heptanuclear dysprosium clusters

H. Tian, S. Bao and L. Zheng, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 2314 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC08740F

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