Issue 13, 2015

Structure evolution in “114” oxides CaBaZn2Ga2−xAlxO7 (x = 0, 1, 2) and layered cationic ordering in tetrahedral sites for CaBaZn2Al2O7


Rietveld refinements were performed on CaBaZn2Ga2−xAlxO7 (x = 0, 1, 2) to investigate the site preference of cations in tetrahedral cavities. Tri-valent Ga3+/Al3+ preferred the tetrahedral sites (T1-sites) within the triangular layers. Moreover, a layered type cationic ordering was observed in CaBaZn2Al2O7, where all the T1-sites were occupied by Al3+. This represents the first example of a cationic ordering in “114” compounds. By substituting Al3+ into CaBaZn2Ga2O7, the major change in the structure was the shrinkage of the T1O4 tetrahedrons, especially the shortening of the T1–O2 bond distance along the c-axis, which led to an anisotropic shrinkage of the unit cell. In the literature, such an anisotropic change of unit cell would induce a structure distortion, as well as a decrease in the symmetry from P63mc to Pbn21. All the title compounds crystallized in P63mc, which is unexpected. A comparison with the selected “114” magnetic oxides help us to confirm that the strong antiferromagnetic interactions of magnetic lattices would also be beneficial for symmetry lowering. Overall, the factors affecting cationic ordering on T1-sites and symmetry lowering are discussed for the title compounds, which may also be applicable to other “114” oxides.

Graphical abstract: Structure evolution in “114” oxides CaBaZn2Ga2−xAlxO7 (x = 0, 1, 2) and layered cationic ordering in tetrahedral sites for CaBaZn2Al2O7

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Article information

Article type
03 Feb 2015
04 Feb 2015
First published
11 Feb 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 6069-6074

Author version available

Structure evolution in “114” oxides CaBaZn2Ga2−xAlxO7 (x = 0, 1, 2) and layered cationic ordering in tetrahedral sites for CaBaZn2Al2O7

P. Jiang, W. Gao, R. Cong and T. Yang, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 6069 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT00491H

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