Issue 36, 2015

Neodymium 1D systems: targeting new sources for field-induced slow magnetization relaxation


Two non-isostructural homometallic 1D neodymium species displaying field-induced slow magnetization relaxations are presented together with theoretical studies. It is established that both systems are better described as organized 1D single molecule magnets (SMMs). Studies show great potential of NdIII ions to provide homometallic chains with slow magnetic relaxation.

Graphical abstract: Neodymium 1D systems: targeting new sources for field-induced slow magnetization relaxation

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Article information

Article type
03 Jul 2015
07 Aug 2015
First published
07 Aug 2015

Dalton Trans., 2015,44, 15774-15778

Author version available

Neodymium 1D systems: targeting new sources for field-induced slow magnetization relaxation

A. K. Jassal, N. Aliaga-Alcalde, M. Corbella, D. Aravena, E. Ruiz and G. Hundal, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 15774 DOI: 10.1039/C5DT02533H

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