Issue 3, 2016

Rate equation model of laser induced bias in uranium isotope ratios measured by resonance ionization mass spectrometry


Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) has been developed as a method to measure uranium isotope abundances. In this approach, RIMS is used as an element-selective ionization process between uranium atoms and potential isobars without the aid of chemical purification and separation. The use of broad bandwidth lasers with automated feedback control of wavelength was applied to the measurement of the 235U/238U ratio to decrease laser-induced isotopic fractionation. In application, isotope standards are used to identify and correct bias in measured isotope ratios, but understanding laser-induced bias from first-principles can improve the precision and accuracy of experimental measurements. A rate equation model for predicting the relative ionization probability has been developed to study the effect of variations in laser parameters on the measured isotope ratio. The model uses atomic data and empirical descriptions of laser performance to estimate the laser-induced bias expected in experimental measurements of the 235U/238U ratio. Empirical corrections are also included to account for ionization processes that are difficult to calculate from first principles with the available atomic data. Development of this model has highlighted several important considerations for properly interpreting experimental results.

Graphical abstract: Rate equation model of laser induced bias in uranium isotope ratios measured by resonance ionization mass spectrometry

Article information

Article type
01 Jul 2015
07 Dec 2015
First published
07 Dec 2015

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016,31, 666-678

Author version available

Rate equation model of laser induced bias in uranium isotope ratios measured by resonance ionization mass spectrometry

B. H. Isselhardt, S. G. Prussin, M. R. Savina, D. G. Willingham, K. B. Knight and I. D. Hutcheon, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2016, 31, 666 DOI: 10.1039/C5JA00249D

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