Issue 32, 2015

A palladium-doped ceria@carbon core–sheath nanowire network: a promising catalyst support for alcohol electrooxidation reactions


A novel palladium-doped ceria and carbon core–sheath nanowire network (Pd–CeO2@C CSNWN) is synthesized by a template-free and surfactant-free solvothermal process, followed by high temperature carbonization. This hierarchical network serves as a new class of catalyst support to enhance the activity and durability of noble metal catalysts for alcohol oxidation reactions. Its supported Pd nanoparticles, Pd/(Pd–CeO2@C CSNWN), exhibit >9 fold increase in activity toward the ethanol oxidation over the state-of-the-art Pd/C catalyst, which is the highest among the reported Pd systems. Moreover, stability tests show a virtually unchanged activity after 1000 cycles. The high activity is mainly attributed to the superior oxygen-species releasing capability of Pd-doped CeO2 nanowires by accelerating the removal of the poisoning intermediate. The unique interconnected one-dimensional core–sheath structure is revealed to facilitate immobilization of the metal catalysts, leading to the improved durability. This core–sheath nanowire network opens up a new strategy for catalyst performance optimization for next-generation fuel cells.

Graphical abstract: A palladium-doped ceria@carbon core–sheath nanowire network: a promising catalyst support for alcohol electrooxidation reactions

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Article information

Article type
08 May 2015
03 Jul 2015
First published
09 Jul 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 13656-13662

A palladium-doped ceria@carbon core–sheath nanowire network: a promising catalyst support for alcohol electrooxidation reactions

Q. Tan, C. Du, Y. Sun, L. Du, G. Yin and Y. Gao, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 13656 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR03023D

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