Issue 57, 2015

Oxidation of thiols to disulfides by dioxygen catalyzed by a bioinspired organocatalyst


2,3-Dihydro-2,2,2-triphenylphenanthro[9,10-d]-1,3,2-λ5-oxazaphosphole serves as good catalyst for the oxidation of thiophenol, cysteine and glutathione to their disulfides by molecular oxygen. The kinetics of the reactions unveiled an overall second order rate equation for all reactions and pure dioxygen chemistry for all three substrates. The formation of an unstable hydroperoxide from the catalyst is assumed to be a key step during the reaction.

Graphical abstract: Oxidation of thiols to disulfides by dioxygen catalyzed by a bioinspired organocatalyst

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Article information

Article type
28 Mar 2015
18 May 2015
First published
18 May 2015

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 45983-45986

Author version available

Oxidation of thiols to disulfides by dioxygen catalyzed by a bioinspired organocatalyst

N. Bagi, J. Kaizer and G. Speier, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 45983 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA05529F

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