Issue 47, 2015

Full-color tunable mechanofluorochromism and excitation-dependent emissions of single-arm extended tetraphenylethylenes


We propose a new single-arm extension strategy on traditional tetraphenylethylene and successfully develop a new series of full-color (from ∼450 nm to ∼740 nm) tunable mechanofluorochromic materials. These materials exhibit efficient solid-state emission (quantum yield Φf > 10%) and high mechanofluorochromic contrast (wavelength shift from ∼50 nm to ∼100 nm). More importantly, we discover an unexpected excitation-dependent emission phenomenon of mechanofluorochromic materials and propose to utilize this new excitation-dependent emission behavior of materials to evaluate their mechanical-responsive performances more comprehensively. Finally, the unique feature of abundant emissions of mechanofluorochromic materials by changing the excitation light has shown application potential in dual channel anti-counterfeiting.

Graphical abstract: Full-color tunable mechanofluorochromism and excitation-dependent emissions of single-arm extended tetraphenylethylenes

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Aug 2015
31 Oct 2015
First published
04 Nov 2015

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015,3, 12328-12334

Full-color tunable mechanofluorochromism and excitation-dependent emissions of single-arm extended tetraphenylethylenes

Y. Wang, I. Zhang, B. Yu, X. Fang, X. Su, Y. Zhang, T. Zhang, B. Yang, M. Li and S. X. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 12328 DOI: 10.1039/C5TC02623G

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