Issue 4, 2017

Thermal transport across nanoparticle–fluid interfaces: the interplay of interfacial curvature and nanoparticle–fluid interactions


We investigate the general dependence of the thermal transport across nanoparticle–fluid interfaces using molecular dynamics computations. We show that the thermal conductance depends strongly both on the wetting characteristics of the nanoparticle–fluid interface and on the nanoparticle size. Strong nanoparticle–fluid interactions, leading to full wetting states in the host fluid, result in high thermal conductances and efficient interfacial transport of heat. Weak interactions result in partial drying or full drying states, and low thermal conductances. The variation of the thermal conductance with particle size is found to depend on the fluid–nanoparticle interactions. Strong interactions coupled with large interfacial curvatures lead to optimum interfacial heat transport. This complex dependence can be modelled using an equation that includes the interfacial curvature as a parameter. In this way, we rationalise the existing experimental and computer simulation results and show that the thermal transport across nanoscale interfaces is determined by the correlations of both interfacial curvature and nanoparticle–fluid interactions.

Graphical abstract: Thermal transport across nanoparticle–fluid interfaces: the interplay of interfacial curvature and nanoparticle–fluid interactions

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Article information

Article type
16 Sep 2016
20 Dec 2016
First published
21 Dec 2016

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 3244-3253

Thermal transport across nanoparticle–fluid interfaces: the interplay of interfacial curvature and nanoparticle–fluid interactions

A. S. Tascini, J. Armstrong, E. Chiavazzo, M. Fasano, P. Asinari and F. Bresme, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 3244 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP06403E

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