Issue 12, 2016

Photogeneration of hydrogen from water by a robust dye-sensitized photocathode


We report here on a photocathode with a “donor–dye–catalyst” assembly on a macro-mesoporous metal oxide for water reduction. The photoelectrocatalytic performance of the photocathode under mild conditions, with a photocurrent density of −56 μA cm−2 and a Faradaic yield of 53%, is superior relative to other reported photocathodes with surface attached molecular catalysts. Detailed electron transfer analyses show that the successful application of this photocathode originates mainly from the slow back electron transfer following light excitation. The results also demonstrate that addition of the long-chain assembly to the macro-mesoporous electrode surface plays a fundamental role in providing sufficient catalyst for water reduction.

Graphical abstract: Photogeneration of hydrogen from water by a robust dye-sensitized photocathode

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Article information

Article type
05 Oct 2016
15 Nov 2016
First published
15 Nov 2016

Energy Environ. Sci., 2016,9, 3693-3697

Photogeneration of hydrogen from water by a robust dye-sensitized photocathode

B. Shan, A. K. Das, S. Marquard, B. H. Farnum, D. Wang, R. M. Bullock and T. J. Meyer, Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 3693 DOI: 10.1039/C6EE02903E

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