Issue 109, 2016, Issue in Progress

A mitochondria-targeted near-infrared probe for colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence detection of hypochlorite in living cells


In this study, we report a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probe (CMBI) for the detection of hypochlorite (ClO), which displays colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence dual responses towards ClO. The probe can detect ClO with high selectivity, fast response (within 90 s) as well as low detection limit (33 nM). An oxidation reaction was proposed for the sensing mechanism, which was confirmed by 1H NMR and HR-MS spectra. Fluorescence co-localization studies demonstrated that CMBI was a specific mitochondria-targeted fluorescent probe for ClO with excellent cell membrane permeability. Furthermore, confocal fluorescence images of HeLa cell indicated that CMBI could be used for monitoring intracellular ClO in living cells by ratiometric fluorescence imaging.

Graphical abstract: A mitochondria-targeted near-infrared probe for colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence detection of hypochlorite in living cells

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Article information

Article type
13 Sep 2016
05 Nov 2016
First published
07 Nov 2016

RSC Adv., 2016,6, 107525-107532

A mitochondria-targeted near-infrared probe for colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence detection of hypochlorite in living cells

J. Xu, H. Yuan, C. Qin, L. Zeng and G. Bao, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 107525 DOI: 10.1039/C6RA22868B

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