Issue 1, 2018

Cellulose-based electrospun fibers functionalized with polypyrrole and polyaniline for fully organic batteries


A novel cellulose-based bio-battery made of electrospun fibers activated by biological fluids has been developed. This work reports a new concept for a fully organic bio-battery that takes advantage of the high surface to volume ratio achieved by an electrospun matrix composed of sub-micrometric fibers that acts simultaneously as the separator and the support of the electrodes. Polymer composites of polypyrrole (PPy) and polyaniline (PANI) with cellulose acetate (CA) electrospun matrix were produced by in situ chemical oxidation of pyrrole and aniline on the CA fibers. The structure (CA/PPy|CA|CA/PANI) generated a power density of 1.7 mW g−1 in the presence of simulated biological fluids, which is a new and significant contribution to the domain of medical batteries and fully organic devices for biomedical applications.

Graphical abstract: Cellulose-based electrospun fibers functionalized with polypyrrole and polyaniline for fully organic batteries

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Article information

Article type
23 Jul 2017
29 Nov 2017
First published
30 Nov 2017

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018,6, 256-265

Cellulose-based electrospun fibers functionalized with polypyrrole and polyaniline for fully organic batteries

A. C. Baptista, I. Ropio, B. Romba, J. P. Nobre, C. Henriques, J. C. Silva, J. I. Martins, J. P. Borges and I. Ferreira, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 256 DOI: 10.1039/C7TA06457H

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