Issue 8, 2019

Metastable phosphorus neutral monoradical: a key intermediate in the bicyclic cage formation


A key intermediate in the formation of a bicyclic cage formed between a biradical (LCP)2 (L = carbene) and an unsaturated substrate via a [2 + 2] cycloaddition reaction has been isolated and fully characterized including by X-ray diffraction analysis. The isolation of this intermediate proves that this cycloaddition reaction proceeds stepwise which is preferred over a concerted mechanism.

Graphical abstract: Metastable phosphorus neutral monoradical: a key intermediate in the bicyclic cage formation

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Article information

Article type
07 Dec 2018
14 Jan 2019
First published
15 Jan 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 2549-2553

Metastable phosphorus neutral monoradical: a key intermediate in the bicyclic cage formation

X. Chen, A. Hinz, J. R. Harmer and Z. Li, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 2549 DOI: 10.1039/C8DT04842H

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