Issue 9, 2020

Photocatalyst-free visible light promoted EZ isomerization of alkenes


A simple and green method of visible light driven photocatalytic E to Z isomerization of alkenes has been developed. A variety of (Z)-alkenes can be prepared in the presence of visible light, without any additional photocatalyst. This protocol features photocatalyst-free conditions, which are mild, tolerant, and operationally simple, and is easy to implement.

Graphical abstract: Photocatalyst-free visible light promoted E → Z isomerization of alkenes

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Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2019
13 Apr 2020
First published
13 Apr 2020

Green Chem., 2020,22, 2739-2743

Photocatalyst-free visible light promoted EZ isomerization of alkenes

J. Xu, N. Liu, H. Lv, C. He, Z. Liu, X. Shen, F. Cheng and B. Fan, Green Chem., 2020, 22, 2739 DOI: 10.1039/C9GC04303A

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