Issue 21, 2020

Tetraphenylethene-based tetracationic dicyclophanes: synthesis, mechanochromic luminescence, and photochemical reactions


Two tetraphenylethene-based tetracationic dicyclophanes 1 and 2 were synthesized via a one-step SN2 reaction. Based on the central TPE unit and the slight difference of the outer linkers, 1 and 2 exhibited a classic aggregation-induced emission but contrasting mechanochromic luminescence under grinding, vaporing, or hydrostatic pressure in the solid state, and photochemical reactions with various emitting colours induced by photoirradiation in the solution state.

Graphical abstract: Tetraphenylethene-based tetracationic dicyclophanes: synthesis, mechanochromic luminescence, and photochemical reactions

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Article information

Article type
02 Feb 2020
10 Feb 2020
First published
11 Feb 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 3195-3198

Tetraphenylethene-based tetracationic dicyclophanes: synthesis, mechanochromic luminescence, and photochemical reactions

H. Nian, A. Li, Y. Li, L. Cheng, L. Wang, W. Xu and L. Cao, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 3195 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00860E

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