Issue 84, 2020

Regulation of the cathode for amphi-charge storage in a redox electrolyte for high-energy lithium-ion capacitors


Operating the cathodes of lithium-ion capacitors in an extended potential window for amphi-charge storage was proposed to be combined with a redox electrolyte-enabled capacity for balancing the typical gap between the capacity of the anode and that of the cathode. As a result, the as-obtained lithium-ion capacitors showed a three-fold increase in energy density.

Graphical abstract: Regulation of the cathode for amphi-charge storage in a redox electrolyte for high-energy lithium-ion capacitors

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Article information

Article type
12 Jun 2020
10 Sep 2020
First published
10 Sep 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 12777-12780

Regulation of the cathode for amphi-charge storage in a redox electrolyte for high-energy lithium-ion capacitors

Y. Zhang, H. Chao, H. Liu, X. Wang, W. Xing, H. Hu and M. Wu, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 12777 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC04106H

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