Issue 85, 2020

Crystalline to amorphous transformation in solid-solution alloy nanoparticles induced by boron doping


We synthesized a palladium–ruthenium–boron (Pd–Ru–B) solid-solution ternary alloy. Elemental mappings confirmed successful alloying of B with Pd–Ru body without changing the particle sizes, demonstrating the first discovery of this ternary alloy. Pair distribution function analysis revealed a drastic decrease in atomic correlation in Pd–Ru nanoparticles by B doping. This result gives the first example of structural transformation from crystalline to amorphous in solid-solution alloy nanoparticles induced by the doping of light elements.

Graphical abstract: Crystalline to amorphous transformation in solid-solution alloy nanoparticles induced by boron doping

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Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2020
21 Sep 2020
First published
25 Sep 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 12941-12944

Author version available

Crystalline to amorphous transformation in solid-solution alloy nanoparticles induced by boron doping

K. Kobayashi, K. Kusada, D. Wu, N. Ogiwara, H. Kobayashi, M. Haruta, H. Kurata, S. Hiroi, O. Seo, C. Song, Y. Chen, J. Kim, A. Tayal, O. Sakata, K. Ohara, T. Honma and H. Kitagawa, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 12941 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC05418F

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