Issue 21, 2020

Decoupling nucleation from crystal-growth for the synthesis of nanocrystalline zeolites


The increasing demands for catalysts with improved accessibility to reactants call for a rational synthesis of nanosized zeolites. Herein we developed a facile approach for highly crystalline MFI-type (Silicalite-1 and ZSM-5) and beta zeolites with variable Si/Al ratios and high yield. This was achieved by kinetically decoupling the nucleation from the growth process of the zeolites in a highly concentrated gel system via a temperature-staged treatment. The carefully controlled low-water environment ensures only nucleation in stage I (aging), and hence the generation of abundant nuclei for the subsequent rapid crystallization within a self-confined space at stage II (growth). The method, without using expensive templates or additives, allows the syntheses of nanosized, well-isolated ZSM-5 (Si/Al = 100–∞, 36–88 nm, yield >85%) and Beta (Si/Al = 25–100, 21–66 nm, yield >95%). The ultra-small crystal size endows ZSM-5 zeolites with good catalytic activity, product selectivity and remarkably longer lifetime in methanol conversion reactions.

Graphical abstract: Decoupling nucleation from crystal-growth for the synthesis of nanocrystalline zeolites

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Article information

Article type
08 Apr 2020
01 May 2020
First published
01 May 2020

Dalton Trans., 2020,49, 7258-7266

Decoupling nucleation from crystal-growth for the synthesis of nanocrystalline zeolites

G. Zhang, Y. Fan, J. Huang, L. Wang, C. Yang, M. Lyu, H. Liu and Y. Ma, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 7258 DOI: 10.1039/D0DT01291B

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