Issue 25, 2021

Aggregation-induced emission fluorophores based on strong electron-acceptor 2,2′-(anthracene-9,10-diylidene) dimalononitrile for biological imaging in the NIR-II window


In this communication, three novel donor–acceptor–donor type second near-infrared AIE fluorophores based on strong electron-acceptor 2,2′-(anthracene-9,10-diylidene) dimalononitrile have been successfully developed for bioimaging, in which they exhibit good photostability and can be used in mouse ear vessel imaging with high resolution (FWHM = 93.4 μm/SBR = 1.5) after capsuling in nanoparticles with good biocompatibility.

Graphical abstract: Aggregation-induced emission fluorophores based on strong electron-acceptor 2,2′-(anthracene-9,10-diylidene) dimalononitrile for biological imaging in the NIR-II window

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
08 Feb 2021
14 Feb 2021
First published
17 Feb 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 3099-3102

Aggregation-induced emission fluorophores based on strong electron-acceptor 2,2′-(anthracene-9,10-diylidene) dimalononitrile for biological imaging in the NIR-II window

Z. Yang, X. Fan, X. Liu, Y. Chu, Z. Zhang, Y. Hu, H. Lin, J. Qian and J. Hua, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 3099 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC00742D

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