Issue 60, 2021, Issue in Progress

Highly sensitive humidity-driven actuators based on metal–organic frameworks incorporating thermoplastic polyurethane with gradient polymer distribution


Ambient humidity plays an important role in the fields of industrial and agricultural production, food and drug storage, climate monitoring, and maintenance of precision instruments. To sense and control humidity, humidity-responsive actuators that mimick humidity responsive behavior existing in nature, have attracted intense attention. The most common and important class of humidity actuators is active bilayer structures. However, such bilayer structures generally show weak interfacial adhesion, tending to delaminate during frequent bending and restoration cycles. In this work, to address this problem, a novel monolayer humidity-driven actuator with no adhesive issue is developed by integrating the swellable metal–organic frameworks (MIL-88A) into thermoplastic polyurethane films. The proposed actuators display excellent humidity response that under the conditions of relative humidity simulated with saturated salt solution, the MIL-88A/polyurethane composite films show good self-folding response and stability for recycling use. In addition, a deep insight into the self-folding of the composite films is also provided and a new response mechanism is proposed. In this case, the results show that both the preparation method and response properties of the humidity actuators are improved. Therefore, it suggests a new promising way to develop and design flexible humidity actuators.

Graphical abstract: Highly sensitive humidity-driven actuators based on metal–organic frameworks incorporating thermoplastic polyurethane with gradient polymer distribution

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Article information

Article type
08 Nov 2021
11 Nov 2021
First published
23 Nov 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2021,11, 37744-37751

Highly sensitive humidity-driven actuators based on metal–organic frameworks incorporating thermoplastic polyurethane with gradient polymer distribution

Y. He, J. Guo, X. Yang, B. Guo and H. Shen, RSC Adv., 2021, 11, 37744 DOI: 10.1039/D1RA08174H

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