Issue 20, 1977

Subvalent Group 4B metal alkyls and amides. Part 5. The synthesis and physical properties of thermally stable amides of germanium(II), tin(II), and lead(II)


A series of subvalent Group 4B metal amides of general formula M(NR1R2)2[(i) R1= SiMe3, R2= But; M = Ge, Sn, or Pb; (ii) R1= R2= SiMe3; M = Ge, Sn, or Pb; and (iii) R1= R2= GeMe3, SiEt3, or GePh3; M = Ge or Sn] has been prepared from the appropriate lithium amide and metal(II) halide. Under ambient conditions, the amides are pale yellow to red, thermochromic, diamagnetic, low-melting solids or liquids, and are soluble in hydrocarbons (C6H6 or C6H12) in which they are diamagnetic monomers. The lower homologues give parent molecular ions as the highest m/e species. Infrared spectra show a band at 380–430 cm–1[νasym(MN2)], and 1H or 13C n.m.r. spectra are consistent with the bent-singlet formulation. In the visible region the compounds exhibit a band (364–495 nm) of moderate intensity (ε= 600–2 050 dm3 mol–1 cm–1 in n-C6H14) indicative of an allowed electronic transition. Photolysis of each diamide in n-hexane in the cavity of an e.s.r. spectrometer affords (a) the persistent (t½ 5 min—3 months at 25° C) metal-centred radical Ṁ(NR1R2)3[(i) R1= SiMe3, R2= But, M = Ge or Sn; (ii) R1= R2= SiMe3 or GeMe3, M = Ge or Sn; or (iii) R1= R2= GeEt3, M = Sn], (b) a lead mirror (for the lead amides), or (c) no sign of reaction (for the more bulky diamides). E.s.r. parameters have been derived from the isotropic spectra.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977, 2004-2009

Subvalent Group 4B metal alkyls and amides. Part 5. The synthesis and physical properties of thermally stable amides of germanium(II), tin(II), and lead(II)

M. J. S. Gynane, D. H. Harris, M. F. Lappert, P. P. Power, P. Rivière and M. Rivière-Baudet, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977, 2004 DOI: 10.1039/DT9770002004

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