Issue 1, 1992

Synthesis of medium ring ethers. Part 2. Synthesis of the fully saturated carbon skeleton of Laurencia non-terpenoid ether metabolites containing seven-, eight- and nine-membered rings


A general method for the construction of medium ring ethers is described in which a 2-substituted cycloalkanone was subjected to a Baeyer–Villiger ring expansion to the lactone, Tebbe methylenation of which afforded the enol ether which was subjected to a hydroboration–oxidation sequence to afford the 2,n-disubstituted oxacycle (n= ring size). Application of this procedure has led to efficient syntheses of the fully saturated skeletons corresponding to the naturally occurring Laurencia metabolites containing 2,n-dialkyl substituted seven-(isolaurepan), eight-(lauthisan and laurenan) and nine-membered (obtusan) ethers.

Article information

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J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1992, 83-94

Synthesis of medium ring ethers. Part 2. Synthesis of the fully saturated carbon skeleton of Laurencia non-terpenoid ether metabolites containing seven-, eight- and nine-membered rings

R. W. Carling, J. S. Clark and A. B. Holmes, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1992, 83 DOI: 10.1039/P19920000083

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