Issue 43, 2007

106Ru radiolabelling of the antitumour complex [(η6-fluorene)Ru(en)Cl]PF6


The organometallic half-sandwich RuII arene anticancer complex [(η6-fluorene)Ru(en)Cl]PF6 (1) has been synthesized in high yield and purity on a micromole scale with incorporation of the β-emitting radioisotope 106Ru (half-life = 1.01 y) using a refined procedure involving conversion of RuCl3 into [(η6-fluorene)RuCl2]2, and then [(η6-fluorene)Ru(CH3CN)2Cl]PF6 as intermediates. Distribution studies 0.25 h post i.v. injection of 106Ru-1 at a dose of 25 mg 1 kg−1 show that 106Ru is well distributed throughout the tissues of a rat. This appears to be the first report of the radiolabelling of a potential ruthenium antitumour agent for distribution/biological studies.

Graphical abstract: 106Ru radiolabelling of the antitumour complex [(η6-fluorene)Ru(en)Cl]PF6

Article information

Article type
25 Apr 2007
23 May 2007
First published
04 Oct 2007

Dalton Trans., 2007, 4974-4979

106Ru radiolabelling of the antitumour complex [(η6-fluorene)Ru(en)Cl]PF6

J. D. Hoeschele, A. Habtemariam, J. Muir and P. J. Sadler, Dalton Trans., 2007, 4974 DOI: 10.1039/B706246J

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