Issue 7, 2010

Superhydrophilicity-assisted preparation of transparent and visible light activated N-doped titania film


A novel and environmental friendly method was developed to prepare transparent, uniform, crack-free and visible light activated nitrogen doped (N-doped) titania thin films without the use of organic Ti precursors and organic solvents. The N-doped titania films were prepared from heating aqueous peroxotitanate thin films deposited uniformly on superhydrophilic uncoated glass substrates. The pure glass substrates were superhydrophilic after being heated at 500 °C for 1 h. Nitrogen concentrations in the titania films were adjusted by changing the amount of ammonia solution. The optimal photocatalytic activity of the N-doped titania films was about 14 times higher than that of a commercial self-cleaning glass under the same visible light illumination. The current reported preparative technique is generally applicable for the preparation of other thin films.

Graphical abstract: Superhydrophilicity-assisted preparation of transparent and visible light activated N-doped titania film

Article information

Article type
10 Feb 2010
11 Mar 2010
First published
15 May 2010

Nanoscale, 2010,2, 1122-1127

Superhydrophilicity-assisted preparation of transparent and visible light activated N-doped titania film

Q. C. Xu, D. V. Wellia, R. Amal, D. W. Liao, S. C. J. Loo and T. T. Y. Tan, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 1122 DOI: 10.1039/C0NR00105H

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