Issue 39, 2014

A new type of ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline composites prepared by a two-step nanocasting method for high performance supercapacitor applications


A new type of ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline (OMCx/PANI) composite with a hexagonally ordered mesostructure was prepared by a two-step nanocasting method using SBA-15 as a template. This method could protect the pore structure of OMCx from being blocked by PANI, and the in situ polymerization of aniline inside the pore structure between OMCx and SBA-15 could avoid the phase separation of OMCx and PANI. Pore-structure analysis showed that PANI was well coated over the surface of the OMCx's nanorod. Sample OMC8/PANI possessed high capacitance and excellent cycle performance. Although the capacitance value in this experiment was not among the highest, the new perspective to assemble nano-materials is very meaningful.

Graphical abstract: A new type of ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline composites prepared by a two-step nanocasting method for high performance supercapacitor applications

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Article information

Article type
01 Jul 2014
12 Aug 2014
First published
13 Aug 2014

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014,2, 16715-16722

A new type of ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline composites prepared by a two-step nanocasting method for high performance supercapacitor applications

Z. Zhang, G. Wang, Y. Li, X. Zhang, N. Qiao, J. Wang, J. Zhou, Z. Liu and Z. Hao, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 16715 DOI: 10.1039/C4TA03351E

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