Issue 9, 2024

Design and fabrication of MoO42−-intercalated LDH nanosheets coated on Co9S8 nanotubes with enhanced cycling stability for high-performance supercapacitors


Transition metal sulfides are promising electrode materials for supercapacitors due to their excellent electrochemical performance and high conductivity. Unfortunately, the low rate performance and poor cycling stability limited their progress towards commercial applications. Herein, the core–shell structure of MoO42−-intercalated LDHs coated on Co9S8 nanotubes was rationally designed and prepared to improve their electrochemical performance and cycling stability by adjusting the composition of LDHs. Compared to NiMo-LDH@Co9S8 and CoMo-LDH@Co9S8, the optimized NiCoMo-LDH@Co9S8 electrode exhibits excellent areal specific capacitance (11 F cm−2 at 3 mA cm−2) and excellent cycling stability (94.4% after 5000 cycles). In addition, asymmetric supercapacitor devices were assembled with NiCoMo-LDH@Co9S8 and activated carbon (AC), which delivered a high energy density of 0.94 mWh cm−2, at a power density of 1.70 mW cm−2, and good cycling stability (89.4% after 5000 cycles). These results indicate that the introduction of MoO42− can enhance the synergistic effect of multiple metals and the synthesized NiCoMo-LDH@Co9S8 core–shell composite has great potential in the development of high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitors.

Graphical abstract: Design and fabrication of MoO42−-intercalated LDH nanosheets coated on Co9S8 nanotubes with enhanced cycling stability for high-performance supercapacitors

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Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2023
22 Jan 2024
First published
24 Jan 2024

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 4067-4079

Design and fabrication of MoO42−-intercalated LDH nanosheets coated on Co9S8 nanotubes with enhanced cycling stability for high-performance supercapacitors

L. Wu, L. Chen, H. Chen, G. Li, W. Zhao and L. Han, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 4067 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT04215D

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